Nikki will tell you that her stories find her. That she never thinks about making up a story or characters and relates more to this idea of unearthing something waiting to be discovered or overhearing something whispered just out of earshot. It starts as an inkling. A sense something is hidden just out of reach. Glimpsed in the periphery. It feels like longing. To be consumed by a kind of feeling and the experience that would make it possible. Always it starts like that. With no sense of why. And if she resists it the story passes and she may not be able to find it again.
Often the ending comes first. The feeling always. What would remain after the last word is read or written. Then comes clarity around who would need to be there for that feeling to be true. Then usually the beginning. Where does it all need to begin and why? Often when she writes she is just as surprised at what unfolds as her readers will be. It’s a delightful process though at times arduous and painful because no amount of forcing will bring a story about before its time. It’s always been this way for her. Since she was a child. So much so that she was able to create her first feature length film and the outline her first novel both before her first year of highschool was finished. Certainly, this gift did not come without a cost, and she would tell you that though her youth was filled with friends and joy it was also flavoured with loneliness and isolation as she often related more easily to stories dreamed up and characters discovered in her own imagination; and she found the books and movies she got deeply wrapped up in to be so much more exciting and fulfilling than her own life.
Though many people told her she should be a writer, she never believed it was a real or possible career, and always saw herself as a scientist of some kind instead. It wasn’t until her first year of university, struggling with addiction and recovery, when she finished her first book, an autobiography titled The Lost and Found of a Teenage Drug Addict that she realized she’d found her place in the world. Over the next few years, she wrote three more books and the first drafts of five feature films, all part of processing the struggle, heartache and confusion she’d experienced in her late teens battling a dangerous addiction and a dark desire to lose herself completely. From the moment she completed that first book and the realization this was a gift that would not relent, she began to believe she could be a writer and for the next few years unrelentingly wrote and tried to build a career.
Yet, by the age of twenty-seven Nikki abandoned any hope or dream of being a writer. She’d tried for years to get noticed, to find an agent or publisher, to win contests, and to succeed but nothing came of any of it. It had never occurred to her at that young age that timing was a vital part of any endeavour or that she just wasn’t seasoned enough, or well practiced at all at developing anything beyond a first draft in a way that would impress anyone. Her failure devastated her and with this sense of a broken heart for not being a writer, what she’d been so certain she was meant to be, she walked away from her dream; absolutely broken.
Over the next fifteen years she didn’t write a single new story or even really feel much of a desire to. Yet every moment and choice was flavoured with her failure and this sense that she was somehow not living out her purpose. Even though she avoided creating anything new, one story called her back repeatedly. The last novel she’d written, what would later come to be called A Momentary Darkness, which was technically the second in a pair of stories that were also created to stand alone. It was an inescapable story, sci-fi/fantasy, that somehow drew so much from her real life and struggles despite being fantastical. The characters and story had been a kind of salvation when she’d first come across them and she couldn’t help returning to the them over the years to edit, add to, and perfect the narrative while also finding comfort in the familiar. Years later when she met her publisher, Shana Thornton of Thorncraft Publishing, it would be this manuscript that she sent when asked the question that would change her life forever: what else have you written? Though chronologically the second book in the series Nikki decided to release A Momentary Darkness first with a plan to release the other book later, if at all, as a prequel.
In 2019, after the breakup of her long-term relationship and the kind of shift in her life that sent her reeling, she had a revelation: that the pair of books she’d written were not alone and that another book would come in the series. Finally, a new story, and this sense again of being reconnected to that mysterious well inside her where stories first bubbled up as they came to be. She spent months locked in her basement apartment, trying to recover and get her feet back under her, while characters so familiar to her they were like family found their way back into her life and once again helped to heal and ground her. That winter and spring the first draft of The Beginning’s End was born and Nikki realized, for sure, that she was indeed a writer and meant, if nothing else, to use her voice to carry people towards a specific end.
A year later, even before that second book had been published, the world went into lockdown in March of 2020 and during this time, with the space to pause, reflect and get even more clear about her life and purpose, so much happened and changed. As a prominent yoga teacher and woman of colour in an industry where she was often singular in rooms she was interviewed for a local podcast. When the interviewer, Israel Ekanem, who also happened to be a film producer, realized she was a writer, he picked up her first book and just a few weeks later let her know he’d love to work and collaborate with her in film. Nikki pulled out an old short film, rewrote and reworked it, and with her sister Tobi Martin-Flemming slated to direct and Israel producing, they were accepted into the Film5 program in Halifax and through it made their first short film A Walk In The Sun which premiered at the Atlantic International Film Festival in 2022. That same year Nikki participated in the RBC Script Development program at the festival and her first fully finished feature film The Space Between won the prize and is currently in development.
In recent years Nikki has pulled out some of her old screenplays and reworked them into limited series, again revisiting characters and stories she's always hoped would have a life in the world. Her next feature film is ready to be written, the final book in her series is calling, and her goal of bringing her books to the screen and being the lead writer on the series is on the list of what she hopes to accomplish in the coming years. She approaches it all with unattachment and trust; practices borrowed from yoga.
Her dream is to write. And so, she is living it. But she also longs through her stories to contribute to more representation showing up in tv, film and literature; something she didn’t always have or experience growing up.
Nikki has found her voice sharing stories about people like herself; who are in search of identity and their place in the world. Her strength is in conveying the beautiful complexity of relationships through deep feeling character driven narratives, honest stories, and rich, relatable characters that translate to both the page and the screen. In this way she is much the same as she was many years ago, as a young woman dreaming up stories that were a safe place to land; and she hopes her stories will do the same for others as they make their way into the world.
The first novel in the Awake While Dreaming series is available through Thorncraft Publishing. Find out more here.
On Earth, Kayla, an average yet troubled teen is intent on a new beginning. She has moved in with her aunt and uncle in a small seaside town and is fighting her way back from the darkest time she has ever known. On Alpha Iridium, Kale, who lives a life of constant danger and excitement, is looking for a resolution. She leads a group of rebels who are intent on changing their world for the better by stopping its leader, Randall Caine. Two vastly different lives and yet as we come to discover the intricate threads that tie everyone and everything in the universe together, we learn each choice made could change the fate of an entire planet and its people.
The second novel in the Awake While Dreaming series is available through Thorncraft Publishing. Find out more here.
Five years after the people of Alpha Iridium beat back an ancient Darkness, those who led the fight have still not moved on. Every year on the anniversary of that victory, Medea, Corin and Jaren, the Founders, their children and a few others meet on the shores of Samnar to mark the day they lost so much, even while they won. This year is different. It will be the last of its kind; even if they don’t know it yet. Fate, time, and the forces that govern the universe have conspired once again to set things in motion towards some unknown end.
On an Earth that has made its way slowly back from the brink of destruction, forever changed, Rogan and her people live a quiet and simple life, seemingly far removed from any other of the surviving humans scattered across the planet. When a mysterious woman with no memory of who she is or where she’s come from shows up in their midst, Rogan can feel a sense of looming dread. Something is coming for them.
Two worlds, forever tied together, in dreaming and in destiny, will finally find their ending. And yet, isanything truly ever done in a universe where the possibility is always that things will come back around again, and again, and again?